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Thread unfolder insanejournal

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“You stay here tonight, tomorrow we’ll go have a chat with Islien, see what you can do for us see what he knows about your brother.” He shows her around his boring home, and points her towards the bedroom. Havoc turns to her with solemn eyes, heavy with the burden of all he’s seen over the years. His cheer is gone, but that’s understandable, she sucks the life out of any conversation. You’re only trying to replace one method of control, with another, you offer me no freedom.” I am not arguing that our government is good, but merely saying that you’re nothing more than a small separatist faction, and in the end, your goals are the same as theirs. This life all you ever known, you act like it gets no better than this.”

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Got a say in who was in charge, could say what we wanted. “I remember what it was like when we was democratic.

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“You haven’t touched enough years yet to know what life was like before all this mess.” The old man sits on a chair that overlooks the bleak streets, now starting to empty of people as the day winds down. She doesn’t say a word to him, but her scowl is powerful enough to kill an elephant. You don’t want to kill no one, that’s your deal, but you gonna learn that violence has its place at some point.” Just be glad your brother means so much to us. Her resolve absolute, he nods to himself, as though he’s answered some internal question. He looks her over, most likely trying to find some sort of outward sign of weakness, some body language that betrays her words, but he finds nothing. I just want to know what happened to my brother, to see if I can bring him home!” “I don’t want to harm anyone, I told you. “So how you plan on being useful to us then?” Ah, a good way to bite back, she forgets that in order to spring the Raven from his cage, she must bend to their whims. Poor fellow must have had such a speech committed to memory, and she just completely derails his momentum. “That’s noble and all, but your message is stained with blood.” And she gets bitchy again. I want everyone to feel as privileged as me to never worry that what they might say could get them killed.” I don’t want change, change come regardless of what I say.

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They say women can work factory jobs, but can’t hold no high status, like they all be slaves? They say we’re a free people, but everything we see and say gotta be approved by someone all high up like. We’re fighting for human rights, not change. Just taking a breath every day changes something. “Sorry to say missy, but we all change the world, ain’t nothing going to stay the same forever. “I’m just trying to bring my brother home.” “…I’m not out to change the world.” She looks away from him, and instead keeps her attention on the immaculate, yet boring and stark apartment. She sits still for a few moments, not willing to accept his logic, nor dispute it. “Oh? What do age count for, really? Every one of use that die in this tussle, they all someone’s child too.” “Still, to put children at risk…” Well, I’m glad someone was able to suck a little bit of that snotty attitude away. Worst it did was start a fire or two, and make a few rich folk piss themselves in fear.” “Relax you little tart, it was mostly a powder explosion, and my men set it to go off in the gym, which is still being renovated and is thusly not in use. He raises his hand to silence her, and for some reason, she obeys. “You mad, that’s a school? There’s nothing but children there, why would you-” “Good lord!” She yells out in shock, unaware of the irony of her statement, cheering a god’s name, while coming face to face with an evil deed that such a god would allow. “Oh, I assure you it was by my hand that such a thing was orchestrated.” He smiles that toothless grin again, but something a bit darker lies behind his eyes. “It even you that did the bombing? Man told me you’re the only one around here running things.” “So what you go and bomb today?” She’s really far too pushy for her own good. Winston started to wonder more and more if Havoc was just stringing her along, and had little intention on aiding her in her goal. He did not lead the little bird to any dank and hidden fortress they merely trotted a few blocks and went to his apartment complex.Īs she sat there, she could not help but to acknowledge that for a man named after destruction, he kept things very orderly and clean. Hidden rooms, dark alleyways, and all that cloak and dagger nonsense that so many people associate with a rebellion, he was far more subtle than any of that tripe. Havoc, for all that he leaves in his wake, is a very cautious person.

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